Celebrating 10 Years of Friendship: Yves & Erin 

For many people with disabilities, genuine connections are hard to come by. Often, their relationships are the ones with people paid to be with them. ABLE2’s Matching Program matches people with disabilities or “Friends” with volunteer “Allies” based on shared interests, so that they can foster meaningful and intentional friendships based on mutual trust and support. Yves and Erin’s Match is just one of the many Matches that have gained a strong bond through the Matching Program. 

Yves and Erin have been matched since 2014. They share a lot in common, and love getting out into the community on weekends. In the winter, you can find them cheering on the local hockey teams, wandering the malls for exercise, searching thrift stores, or having a coffee and donut at the local Tim Horton’s. However, they love summer the best because they get to enjoy long walks, exploring all the community events, baseball games and boat rides. And Yves will tell you that his favourite activity every year is after the ABLE2 Annual Picnic, when he and Erin pack up and go on a short road trip and spend the night in a hotel. They watch movies at night, sleep in and enjoy breakfast in bed. Yves talks about this trip all year long. 

When asked about their Match, Erin says

“Despite having some of the challenges related to his visual and developmental disability, Yves has such an amazing outlook on life. Nothing gets in his way of wanting to get out and his enjoyment of sporting events or concerts. His laugh and sense of humour are contagious, and he has taught me so much – to enjoy life’s little pleasures and to not let fears or challenges get in the way.  He has very much become a part of my family; he is always welcome for Sunday lunches and Christmas Eve dinners. He has had such a positive impact on my life, and I look forward to many more years of friendship with Yves.”

We asked the staff at his group home about his match with Erin and his main caregiver, Darlene, said

“They are really connected. You don’t see this type of connection very often. Erin is a very special person in Yves’ life. He lights up around her. This relationship definitely works, and we are very keen to support it in any way we can.” 

Yves and Erin’s friendship is proof of the powerful impact that intentional friendships can have, not just on the lives of people with disabilities, but on the volunteers as well. 10 years later, their bond is stronger than ever. Their story is just one of the thousands of stories that ABLE2 has been proud to be a part of over the last 5 decades. 

We invite you to support ABLE2 and join us in empowering lives for 50 more years, so that more individuals like Yves can develop meaningful friendships and build lives of meaning and joy. 

Meet Jessica, ABLE2’s Administrative Assistant!

My name is Jessica Franklin, and I have worked with ABLE2 for over three years in various administrative roles. As a person with a lifelong disability, I was thrilled when I heard about the opportunity to work with a nonprofit that supports people with disabilities and their family members. 

My employment journey started with my ODSP worker who connected me to Performance Plus Rehabilitative Care Inc. (PPRC). They provided career coaching that focused on my abilities and taught me how to leverage my skills. PPRC helped me identify roles and potential job opportunities, leading me to apply for a position with Reach Canada, a legal referral service for people with disabilities. I volunteered and completed various contracts with Reach Canada for over six years, learning a lot and enjoying the experience of supporting the community and working alongside dedicated staff and volunteers.

When Reach Canada became a program under ABLE2, I heard about a new opportunity, a full-time administrative position. Although I had never worked full-time and was concerned about keeping up, I was impressed with the flexibility and support that ABLE2 offered. The organization made it possible for me to be a full-time employee by making sure I had adaptive technology and equipment to work from home or the office. This flexibility means less reliance on public transportation and more focus on work-life balance.

While I anticipate new challenges with my abilities and disabilities, I’m confident that with ABLE2’s support, I can continue my career path for many years to come.

The Power of a Friendship: Helen and Mireille

Helen and Mireille were matched in March 2016, and like many Matches they started out a little unsure if it would work. Helen says, “It can be challenging and daunting at first, and it can take time to develop a routine and find your “groove” together”. However, she goes on to say that from her experience “there is no question that it is worth it, for the pleasure it can bring, and the positive impact it can make on each other’s lives”.

The pair gets together regularly. They love visiting the Greenbelt for nature walks and picnics. They enjoy having coffee together, playing cards, going to movies and getting out in the community. Some of their bigger outings have been to the National Art Gallery, MosiaCanada, and local events such as the Greek Festival and the Great Glebe Garage sale.

Mireille loves that from time to time she and Helen jump in a car and go off exploring together. Helen too enjoys their adventures. She also commented that she appreciates Mireille’s sense of humour, creativity and her passion to try new things and explore new areas of the city.

We asked them both about the impact the match has had on them. Helen replied, 

“Getting to know Mireille, and spending time together, has brought so much joy to my life! She reminds me to appreciate the simple pleasures in life – whether it is feeding the birds, having a picnic outside, or enjoying an art exhibit. She is a remarkable person, and I feel lucky to have come to know her through ABLE2.” 

And Mireille commented “I am thankful for being matched; my Ally and I share common interests. It has made my life brighter.”

It’s the small acts of kindness, shared moments between friends, and meaningful time spent that hold the most profound significance, especially for individuals with disabilities. The friendship between Helen and Mireille is a beautiful testament to this truth. Simply showing up and being present can make the biggest difference in someone’s life. 

Cody’s Journey of Growth (APSW-Lilian)

When you first meet Cody, his smile and positive disposition make it clear that he’s surrounded by a lot of love and care in his life. He has a loving and supportive family and a wonderful community at the Journey Home, the group home where he currently resides. But like many individuals with unique challenges, Cody has his hurdles to overcome. Going to work, staying consistent with self-care routines, and keeping his life organized have been all too overwhelming for him. 

Then came Lilian, Cody’s Adult Protective Services Worker (APSW) from ABLE2, who has been an essential part of Cody’s support system. ABLE2’s APSW Investment Program, in partnership with Developmental Service Ontario – Eastern Region and the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) offers support to adults with developmental disabilities who would like to move to a home of their own. This was one of Cody’s goals when he and his family approached ABLE2 in March of 2023. 

Though moving out of the group home remains one of his long-term goals, Lilian has been supporting Cody in building the foundation to make that transition one day. He has an awareness of what is needed of him when he is ready to take that step, and that includes being consistent with his routines, doing well at his job, and being in good standing at his group home. Together, they have worked on planning for his future, as well as his personal goal of hitting the gym regularly to maintain an active and healthier lifestyle. 

Cody shares, “[Lilian] is helping me keep organized, helping me stay on time with my schedule, and helping me lose weight when I’m going to the gym.” His hard work and determination have already led to incredible changes in Cody’s confidence, attitude, and overall demeanor. 

Lilian says that she has seen Cody’s remarkable growth in the past year. “I’ve seen Cody become more appreciative of the people who support and care for him, more considerate of his housemates at the group home and has been working hard to do well at work. He’s also much more open and willing to go out and participate in social activities in the community, and more proactive about having a better quality of life,” Lilian shares. 

Chantal, a supervisor at Journey House, also attests to Cody’s transformation through the APSW program. “Lilian has been tremendously helpful in establishing goals and following up, to ensure that they are being worked towards. She has gone above and beyond to search for different resources in the community to best support the various needs her client has. She encourages and motivates Cody to be the best person they can be. All in all, we’re grateful for everything she has done for us,” says Chantal. 

One of the most important aspects of Cody’s journey has been learning what it will take to live independently one day. Lilian continues to provide him with resources like budgeting skills and understanding everyday expenses— skills that will empower him to take that next step when he’s ready. 

Cody knows that he’s not alone on this journey. With the continued support of ABLE2 and his growing confidence, Cody is thriving. His smile is a little brighter and his zest for living life is stronger. 

Cody’s journey is just one of the many stories that ABLE2 has been a part of for the last 50 years. Thanks to the generosity and kindness of our partners and donors, we can continue to provide direct-impact programs and services, so that more individuals like Cody can reach their goals, improve their overall health, and build lives of meaning and joy. 

When you donate to ABLE2, you are not just supporting our programs and services— you are making a meaningful difference in the lives of people with disabilities in our community. We invite you to join us in empowering lives for 50 more years. 

Show your support today.

Calling All ABLE2 – Supporters We Need You!

By Rick Burns, ABLE2 Board Member

On an unseasonably warm morning in September, members of ABLE2’s Board of Directors gathered at the Stittsville Public Library for a welcome and orientation for new members and to discuss our collective roles and responsibilities for the coming year. 

To open the session, we were welcomed by the recently appointed Chair of the Board, Adrian Raghunandan. As both a long-term volunteer ally and board member, Adrian has extensive experience with the organization and has shown over the years how committed he is to its mission– so in other words – great choice! 

We then proceeded to roundtable introductions. It was great to see both new and familiar faces around the table. One thing that struck me as we introduced ourselves was that the driving force for so many of us getting involved with ABLE2 was a direct connection with someone who has a disability.  

We then heard from Heather Lacey, the Executive Director of ABLE2, about plans and priorities for the coming year, as well as an overview of the duties and expectations of board members. Thony Jean-Baptiste, a long-time employee and now Director of Programs, then provided an overview of all of the services offered by ABLE2. I am always struck by ABLE2’s range of programming, from its flagship Matching Program, the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program, the Funding Brokerage program, the Reach Legal Referral Services – the organization has come a long way since its humble beginnings some 50 years ago. 

We then received a “Finance 101” tutorial from ABLE2’s Treasurer (and professional finance guy) – Nick Korpikoski.  A key duty of board members is financial oversight, so while we do not all need degrees in accounting or finance, it is important that we all have a basic, common understanding of things like cash flows, balance sheets, assets, liabilities, and more. 

We then went on to perhaps the most important part of the meeting – fundraising. Led by a fundraising strategist, Margaret Miller, Board members were challenged to think of various ways they could support these efforts with view to ensuring ABLE2 remains strong and viable, now and in the years to come. During this discussion, it struck me that many of these ideas and recommendations for the Board could apply equally to all supporters ABLE2.  

I heard once that delegation is the key to empowering those around you. With that in mind, here are some basic ideas on how you, dear reader, can help: 

1. Give. Life-long donors are the lifeblood of community-based organizations – ABLE2 simply cannot operate with the generosity of others. For those of you lucky enough to live with financial security, even a small monthly donation can make such a difference. And if you do not have extra money laying around, of course – fully understandable – but keep ABLE2 in mind should your financial situation improve.  

2. Donate time. We know that life has been financially difficult for so many, especially in the last few years. But for those of you with more time than money, there are so many non-financial ways you could contribute to ABLE’s mission. If you have read any stories or testimonials or stories from ABLE2’s current crew of volunteers, you will learn quickly that you can get as much out of these experiences as the people you are helping.

3. Ambassador. So, you have no extra money and no time? No problem! You can be a champion and advocate of ABLE2’s mission in your everyday life. What does this mean in practice? Get to know the programs and services that ABLE2 offers and take advantage of any opportunity to promote its mission in your personal and/or professional networks. Amplify social media messages and be ready to tell your friends and family about what a great organization it is.  Be a “friend raiser” – point people in the direction if ABLE2 if they are looking to make a real difference in their community. And of course, if you have any uber-wealthy friends or family – be sure to tell them what a great cause this is (and then ever-so casually direct them to Donate | ABLE2)

And there it is. 

If you have managed to read this far, you are obviously committed and believe in ABLE2’s mission, so consider yourself a new recruit – congratulations! We thank you in advance for your efforts. 

By Rick Burns, ABLE2 Board Member

Wrap-around Blanket of Support for Michael and his Family

Four years ago, Michael and his family hit rock bottom.  

Michael had been previously diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). His parents always felt this wasn’t the full story but since Michael was adopted, there were many unknowns about his prenatal background. A mental health crisis in early 2020 left Michael and his family feeling isolated with nowhere to turn.  

Through a friend, the family was referred to ABLE2’s Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) and immediately felt embraced, supported and heard. The team worked with the whole family, introducing them to other ABLE2 programs and external community resources. 

Michael, who felt lonely and isolated, joined the virtual youth group, and found a community of other youth with, or with suspected, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The teens developed friendships and supported one another with the help of caring and experienced facilitators.  His family was also supported. His parents attended the FASD Caregiver Support Group where they found others who “got them and their situation”. 

Susan, Michael’s mother, summed up her family’s experience, 

“I don’t know what we would have done without the ABLE2 team. Our family moved from a very isolating time to feeling we belong to a caring community. I don’t know how we would have managed through the pandemic without this support. It was our lifeline.”

The whole family strongly felt that they wanted to help others in the community by financially supporting ABLE2. The impact of the support the family received is continuing. Michael is taking steps forward in his transition to adulthood, his parents continue to receive invaluable support and connections. 

Michael’s and his family’s transformative journey navigating FASD demonstrates the remarkable impact of wrap-around support that FARP offers. As we observe FASD Awareness Month this September, their story is a reminder of the vital role we all play in fostering understanding and support for individuals with FASD like Michael. When you support ABLE2, you ensure that more families like Michael’s receive the wrap-around support that they need, so that they can thrive and build lives of meaning and joy.  

*Names have been changed for privacy.

Chat with Jeff Snyder – Long-Term Chair of the Evening in the Maritimes Committee by Rick Burns

Jeff Snyder with incoming EiTM Chair Danielle Demark at Evening in the Maritimes on May 1st, 2024. Photo by Caroline Phillips

I recently had a chance to chat with Jeff Snyder, a long-time volunteer and supporter of ABLE2, most notable for his many years of service as chair of the Evening in the Martimes organizing committee. If you did not already know, the success of ABLE2’s marquis fundraising event is due in large part to the leadership that Jeff has provided over the years. With him at the helm, ABLE2 has raised millions to help people of all ages across the disability spectrum, and their families.

As Jeff is vacating his role as Chair, our conversation was a chance to reflect on all of his efforts and contributions over the last two decades. It was also an opportunity for me – on behalf of everyone in the ABLE2 community – to acknowledge and offer our collective thanks for his dedication and great work over the years.

The first thing I asked Jeff was how he first got involved with ABLE2 and what drove him to take on this leadership role. He responded that it goes back to 1994, as a recent university graduate, settling in Ottawa for his first real adult job at 23 years old. Originally from Halifax, Jeff was looking to make connections in his new city, but did not know many people here, save for a friend’s girlfriend whose mom happened to work as a social worker for ABLE2 (known as Citizen Advocacy at the time). He was then introduced to Brian Tardiff, the CEO and fellow Haligonian –- and the rest, as they say, is history

Giving back to the community is something Jeff always knew he wanted to do – it is a value that was instilled in him by his parents throughout his life. Knowing how good volunteering can be in terms of making friends and connections, he asked Brian how he could get involved. Jeff ended up signing up for ABLE2’s matching program and was paired with someone who was not technically eligible for the matching program (a young man without a disability but with a family with hearing impairments). The pair quickly formed a solid friendship, and then some-time later, they were both matched and became friends with a person with a disability. A successful three-way friendship match! But as we know, life happens. Jeff had started a family and found that he had less time to give for a formal match. He wanted to stay involved, however, so he joined the organizing committee for Evening in the Maritimes and ended up co-chairing it for 11 years.

I asked Jeff about some highlights, lowlights and lessons learned from his experiences in this role.

Perhaps wanting to get it out of the way, Jeff first spoke of one “low light” that came to mind, but it also came with an important lesson learned. He went on to describe the one year where the sales team pushed hard and ended up being a victim of their own success, unexpectantly selling almost 900 tickets. Jeff and the organizing committee quickly learned that high numbers like this took away somewhat from the “East Coast, church basement party vibe”, so numbers were capped for future years, with the lost revenue made up through more focused fundraising elements within the event itself (e.g., silent auction).

When asked about highlights, with a smile, Jeff was quick to say there were too many to mention, referencing all of the incredible people with whom he has had the opportunity to work. To name a few, he spoke of the engagement and enthusiasm of the honorary chairs, from Senator Vernon White, local businessperson David Cork, former Mayor Bob Chiarelli, former NHL defenseman and disability advocate Jim Kyte, and most recently, entrepreneur and comedian, Michael Lifshitz.

Jeff Snyder with incoming EiTM Chair Danielle Demark at Evening in the Maritimes on May 1st, 2024. Photo by Ashley Fraser

As for his favourite part, without hesitation Jeff pointed to the tradition of having a successful match being profiled and interviewed at the event to help attendees better understand the impact that such matches can have. Jeff noted that this portion of the event tends to really hit home for the attendees. He has even seen a few tears over the years as people learn firsthand how meaningful these matches can be – people are often surprised to learn that these friendships are very much a two-way street that can benefit both sides equally.

Jeff and I ended up chatting about the effectiveness of ABLE2’s matching program and how simple yet effective it is. As with all friendships, the most important thing is to show up, be present – even if it is just checking-in to have a quick phone chat, or maybe someone in the community needing help with the smallest of tasks, things that many of us take for granted. It could be as simple as helping with bills, ordering ParaTranspo or going shopping – helping in such small ways can make a world of difference to someone in the community who is otherwise too isolated.

We are sad to see Jeff step down as Chair of the Evening in the Maritimes committee after all these years, but what a legacy to leave behind! On behalf of ABLE2 employees, Board members, friends, clients, allies – and the entire city of Ottawa – thank you Jeff!! The community is forever in your debt.

Arne: Volunteer turned life-long friend

In 1985, when Arne saw an ad in the paper calling for volunteers to be a friend to an individual with disabilities in the community, he said to himself “I can do that.” ABLE2, then known as Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa, matched him with Norman, a person with a disability who shared similar interests with him. Who knew that that journey would last nearly four decades, showcasing the profound impact one dedicated volunteer can have on another’s life? Arne, now ABLE2’s longest-serving volunteer, has not only been a steadfast advocate and Ally to his Friend Norm but also a friend he can rely on and stand with through life’s challenges.

Their friendship started with a simple offer: “You can call me anytime you need to talk,” Arne told Norman. It was an open invitation that laid the foundation for a bond built on trust and understanding. Through the years, Arne offered much more than friendship; he opened the door for Norm to engage in the community, create connections and relationships, and embrace life beyond the confines of his home.

On one of their more memorable outings, Arne suggested a two-person kayak trip, hoping it would be a therapeutic escape for Norman. As they drove towards the park, Norman began to feel uneasy about the trip. Unsure of how to handle the situation, Arne stopped the car on a bridge and gently eased his concerns. The day turned into a beautiful experience of paddling, swimming, and sharing a meal on an island.

This outing was just one of many ways Arne helped Norman navigate his emotions. Whether it was a walk by the river, listening to meditation tapes, or simply enjoying a meal together, Arne was always there, providing Norman with the support he needed. Norman even had a room at Arne’s place, a safe space where he could retreat whenever life became overwhelming.

Despite the challenges, especially through the pandemic, Arne was steadfast in his commitment to his friend. He continued to check in on him, reminding him of the importance of staying active and engaged. Arne’s reflection on their relationship reveals a deep appreciation for the inspiration that Norman is to him and a profound appreciation of their bond. “Norman is a fantastic person. He did volunteer work too. When I met him, he wanted to do a couple of things… He wanted to leave his parents’ place, he wanted to find a place of his own, he wanted to work… And he achieved most of it. Norman is the kindest person you can imagine.”

When asked why he continues to be a volunteer Ally with ABLE2, Arne says:

“It’s very easy. [Volunteers] don’t have to change their life. They can continue living the way they do. They don’t have to work in a miracle, either. They just need to be a friend. And that’s something we all need, and most of us can be friends.”

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Last April 20, 2024, Arne was awarded at the Volunteer Appreciation Event “Impacting Lives Together” for being the longest-serving volunteer of ABLE2.

Arne’s story is proof of the transformative power of compassion through volunteerism. Volunteers like Arne empower people with disabilities to develop meaningful connections, have opportunities to engage and be active members of the community, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives. Through his commitment to his Friend, Norman, we continue to witness the incredible difference one person can make in another’s life simply by being a consistent and caring friend. Arne embodies the essence of ABLE2’s mission of empowering people with disabilities to build lives of meaning and joy.

As ABLE2 celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are inspired by Arne’s compassion, empathy, and commitment. Many more individuals like Norman are waiting for their Allies. By becoming a volunteer, you, too, can make a significant difference in someone’s life, just as Arne has done for Norman. In a world that often moves too fast, sometimes, all it takes to change a life is to be there, to listen, and to care.

Michael overcomes Agoraphobia with his Ally, Mike

In the vast expanse of an arena, amidst the roar of over 17,000 hockey fans, Michael experienced something extraordinary. For someone who had spent much of his life confined within his home due to agoraphobia or fear of open and crowded spaces, attending a live Sens game was a monumental step towards recovery. Michael attributes his renewed confidence and trust to his dedicated Ally, Mike, and the support from ABLE2’s Matching Program.

Michael shared his remarkable experience just days after attending his first Ottawa Senators game with his Ally Mike, made possible by ABLE2’s donors. “I had a wonderful time at Canadian Tire Centre. I have never been in a place with so many people, but my Match kept me calm, and we stayed the whole time.”

Michael has lived with agoraphobia, mental and physical health issues, and has struggled with developing social connections and isolation. “People often come and go in just a blur to me, not knowing who they were or what they came for,” shares Michael about having limited interactions with other people in the community. Health Links then connected Michael to ABLE2 and signed him up for the Matching Program.

“I was skeptical that they would be able to help someone like me, or find me a match that would be compatible, but I decided to take one step to recovery at a time,” says Michael.

In the middle of the pandemic, ABLE2 called and said they had a Match for Michael. But with the lockdown restrictions in place, Michael and Mike were only able to connect over Zoom calls. As months progressed and restrictions were lifted, Mike would visit Michael at his home. Mike would encourage him to go for a walk for a few minutes outside, which turned into a quick coffee stop, and eventually a trip to the mall. “We tried to increase what I could do; go to a coffee shop, then the mall, and even Costco, which pushed my limits to the extreme,” says Michael. Little by little, Mike would encourage Michael to go on outings for longer periods and promoting physical activities to strengthen his legs and back. Michael slowly gained confidence and comfort in being in the community and experienced the recovery and transformation that this friendship encouraged.

On that day in March, the Ottawa Senators may have lost, but the biggest winner was Michael. He overcame the anxiety, the overwhelming noise, music, the number of people; something he never thought he would be able to do. “In the last 12 years, I’ve seen only a handful of people. Sometimes months would go by when I haven’t spoken a word to anyone. I am thrilled to see my accomplishments – how far I’ve come on my journey with the help of ABLE2 and Mike.”

Michael’s newfound confidence and trust are a result of the meaningful connection and friendship he has built with Mike. Reflecting on this journey, Michael has expressed profound gratitude for Mike.

“I was amazed and had so many better experiences. Looking forward to more outings if opportunities present themselves again. Thanks to my match, I’m getting healthier and better with each event he’s taken me on. I still can’t believe it – over 17,000 people in the arena and I didn’t have a panic attack. Thank you again to my match for his time to volunteer and becoming a great friend helping me overcome agoraphobia.”

Michael’s story is a testament to the impact of ABLE2’s Matching Program. It shows the transformative power of compassion and dedication in helping others overcome their challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Dedicated volunteers like Mike prove that just being there, showing up, and being a friend can make an incredible difference in another’s life.

Finally, Michael describes his Ally Mike as his Hero: “Not all heroes wear capes. A hero to me is someone who can show up no matter the outcome, and still, they come and can be counted on and trusted to do the right thing. I hold Mike in the highest regard. It’s not easy to deal with someone like me. Each and every day, I strive to be like him, to be a positive and giving person.”

Dennis Blenkin

(Dennis Blenkin (second from left) and his Golden Book Tribute, with ABLE2 Executive Director Heather Lacey (on the left), Cathy Hall, and ABLE2 Founder David Hall) 

Dennis Blenkin

We featured Dennis in our 2016 Annual Report and were delighted to learn about his recent award by the Y’s Men International. 

In May 2024, Dennis was recognized for the positive impact he has made in the Y’s Men International communities. He received a Golden Book Tribute, which is a record for posterity of the “Golden Deeds” of Y’s Men. The Golden Book is housed in Geneva, Switzerland. Congratulations Dennis! 

For ABLE2, Dennis Blenkin exemplifies the goals of the Matching Program; he is someone who with support, has led an independent life of meaning and joy.

In 1974, Dennis was one of the first Friends to be matched to a volunteer Ally. In fact, Dennis, along with another young man, was the catalyst for the formation of ABLE2, at that time known as Citizen Advocacy. Dennis and his match were together for many years and his Ally supported him through many life changes such as finding a new place to live, a job and getting married to the love of his life, Cathy. 

However, life has a funny way of flipping things around. Back in 2016, it was Dennis who was visiting his former Ally. At that time, John had been in a nursing home for 10 years and Dennis was one of only two visitors he had each week. To Dennis these visits were a completely natural thing for him to do; John supported him when he needed someone and when John was the person in need, Dennis was his support.

Sadly, Dennis’ wife, Cathy, died about twelve years ago but the now-retired Dennis has been matched again to a new Ally, Peter, since 2020.